A Personal History
I went to Art college in 1972, but never produced a painting until 2008.
That would seem quite strange if it wasn’t for the fact that I was there studying
photography. In my leisure time I always found the need to do something creative
- and photography, along with writing music, filled that need for a long time. Then,
of course, the family came along, so there was a long gap where time was very
limited, most of which was filled playing cricket.
When I came back to having time to spare I felt like a new challenge. With music
and photography I had reached the point where I felt like I was not progressing, or
doing anything different, and I started to lose interest. I think that is why I am so
happy being an amateur. I wouldn’t enjoy having to do a certain type of painting
because it was popular, or pleased the people who were following me. I wouldn’t
like to feel the pressure of having to make a living out of my paintings either.
So I feel free to do whatever takes my fancy on the day. Today, it may be an
abstract in acrylics, tomorrow a traditional watercolour, followed by a piece of
computer graphics or a mixed media landscape. I suppose that means I may be a
‘jack of all trades’, and not a ‘master’ in any of these, but that’s not the point. I’m
simply doing whatever takes my fancy in order to amuse myself. If you look at my
paintings you’ll hopefully see this to be true.
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